I'm Back.

What a year.
Started a business right before the bottom fell out of the financing market, and almost had to shut shop because we couldn't fund complete development. Found a customer with a particularly strong interest in what we were doing. This customer not only provided much needed cash by trusting us enough to buy an underdeveloped product, but also gave us credibility enough to get some financial backing. And after complete development and deployment, this customer bought us out.
I'm now part of the product development team at this customer with responsibility for the lifecycle of the product that we developed and one additional product category.
My two partners are also at this firm, although one of them - guess who - is only here temporarily. (It was part of the buyout).

It was a ride. We almost failed, but are now richer than we were a year and half ago not just in our bank accounts, but also in experience.

The only unfortunate part is that I am now back working for the man.
Though I like and respect the way the management of this company conducts itself, I know enough to realize that in a company of a decent size, the management is inefficient. I know I am going to run into villains, politicians, arseholes, and more than just 3 idiots.

A vent is necessary again.

I'm back.

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